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Monthly Meeting

 Our scheduled monthly council meeting for July 2nd will be held on July 9th at 7:00 pm 

Minutes From June 2024 Council Meeting

 The Odum City Council met for its regularly scheduled meeting on June 4th, 2024, at 7:00 pm at the Odum City Hall. Mayor Pro Tem Greg Leggett called the meeting to order and Pastor Justin Moriarty of Odum church of God prayed the invocation. Council members Ron Sluder, Kathy Rozier and Kevin Higgs were present for the meeting. Clay Teston was absent.

Ron Sluder made a motion to accept the minutes from the May 7th 2024 meeting as emailed. Kathy Rozier made a second to the motion and motion was carried 3-0 vote.

In Committee Report:

Kathy Rozier- Reported unpaid property taxes for 2021-2022 in the amount of $2761.33 and for 2023 year $4518.54.

Kevin Higgs- Nothing to report

Ron Sluder- Nothing to report

Fire Chief Matthew Strickland- Reported that the fire dept. was in need of a few updated items and gave a list of those items.


At this time Mayor Pro Tem, Greg Leggett called on Amanda Griffin with the Wayne County 4-H archery club. Mrs. Griffin asked the Council members if they would allow the archery club to use the gym twice a week for one hour during the summer months due to it being so hot outside and also waive the gym rental fee for the time of use. After a brief discussion Ron Sluder made a motion to allow the 4-H Archery Club to use the gym twice a week for an hour once a Liability clause was put into place. Kevin Higgs made a second to the motion and the motion carried 3-0 vote.

At this time Mayor Pro Tem, Greg Leggett called on Vicki Higgs with the Odum Homecoming committee. Mrs. Higgs addressed her concern with the Council about the need for covering over the stage at the depot for shade when having events at the depot that is owned by the City of Odum. After a brief discussion the Council tabled until July meeting.

Old Business:

City Project Manager, Aubrey Mansfield informed the Mayor Pro Tem and Council Member that the LMIG & TIA road resurfacing contract. The total contract amount is $291,941.05 and completion is required within 120 days from the date of date May 15, 2024

City Project Manager, Aubrey Mansfield informed the Mayor Pro Tem and Council Member about the CDBG grant of $571,495.00 for the pump stations had been completed for $492,032.50 and will have to deobligate $79,462.50 because the project was completed under budget and the city is ready to close out the project.

Kevin Higgs made a motion to accept the 2024-2025 Water & Sewer Budget and Ron Sluder made a second to the motion and the motion carried 3-0 vote.

Kevin Higgs made a motion to accept the 2024-2025 General Budget and Ron Sluder made a second to the motion and the motion carried 3-0 vote.

New Business:

City Project Manager, Aubrey Mansfield addressed the Council and Mayor Pro Tem about the water leak under the slab at the recreation building and he has requested bids from three plumbers and Ward Harvey is the only quote to be received at $3650.50 which is under the purchase policy. The funds will come out of SPLOST IV Recreation Buildings & Equipment. Kathy Rozier made a motion to accept the bid from Ward Harvey and pull the funds out of SPLOST IV Recreation Buildings and Equipment and Kevin Higgs made a second to the motion and the motion carried 3-0 vote

With nothing further to discuss Ron Sluder made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Kevin Higgs made a second to the motion and the motion carried 3-0 vote.

Respectfully Submitted,




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UPDATED - 8/22/2022

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Closed for lunch 12-1PM
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Odum, GA 31555                                 Odum, GA 31555

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